Coca-Cola Santa Claus Ads.
Vianoce sa blížia, s nimi zhon a všade ruch. V rade v *Tesco-u* ku pokladni vystojíte dieru a v meste zrazíte človeka na zem. Ako mi niekto nedávno povedal "To ani v lete ich nie je tak ....... " /domyslite si :D/.
Aj *Coca-Cola* sa pripravuje na Vianoce. Ako každý rok exkluzívne a staromódne zároveň. Ale to je na nej to najkrajšie ♥. Veď samy posúďte.
PS. 1 : Zajtra končí GIVEAWAY ! Posledná šanca! PS. 2 : Zajtra máme v triede Vianočnú besiedku. Ťahali sme si mená, kto komu podaruje darček a nesmierne som zvedavá, kto si vytiahol mňa. A večer ideme na koncert skupiny mladých chlapcov *Papyllon*!
English : Christmas is coming and with them hurry and rush everywhere, too. In a row in the *Tesco* at checkout you "will stand the hole" and in the center of town you will "knock" person on the ground....
*Coca-Cola* is preparing for Christmas. Like every year it is so exclusive and old-fashioned together. But that is the most beautiful on it ♥. Who do not like it?!
PS. 1 : The GIVEAWAY is ending tomorrow! This is last chance!
PS. 2 : We have Christmas gazebo in our class tomorrow. We pulled the papers with names of classmates and we will give the present to person we pulled. I am extremly corious who got me. And we are going on a concert of young boys called *Papyllon* tomorrow evening!
tak si to uži a daj vedieť čo si dostala:P:)
ReplyDeleteten rad v Tescu, neskutočný :D a tiež som zvedavá na darček :)
ReplyDeletednes som bola v Tescu a hrozneee...
ReplyDeleteja som bola dnes v Bille a tam som praveze neckala skoro vobec, uplna pohodicka