We wanted an alcoholic drink, but that was the alcoholic drink!
Dnes som strávila večer s krásnou slečnou, Simonkou. Poznáme sa skoro od plienok a strávili sme spolu krásne detstvo. Býva vo vedľajšom činžiaku, no vidím ju naozaj málo. Asi len na fotke na *Fejsbúku*.
Sadli sme si a chceli sme si dať alkoholický drink, objednala som si *Cosmopolitan*. Bol tak sladký, že alkohol nebolo vôbec cítiť. Aspoň osviežil ♥.
English : I spent today evening with a beautiful lady - Simona. We know each other very long time, we spent a beautiful childhood together. She lives in next block of flats but I do not see her often. Just on the photo on *Facebook*.
We sat on the terrace and we wanted an alcoholic drink, I ordered drink called *Cosmopolitan*. It was so sweet that it was not feeling taste of alcohol. But it freshen at least ♥.
♥ headdress - H&M ♥
♥ top - Mango ♥
♥ skirt - Vintage ♥
♥ belt - Amisu ♥
♥ bag - Vintage ♥
♥ heels - [some store in Košice] ♥
On The Photos : Kejmy & Simona L.
Photos by : Kejmy & Simona L.
čelenka a boty! skvělost! :)
Your friend is so pretty, Kejmy! And I really loved your flower headband too. So cute! <3
ReplyDeletePlease come & check my new post! ^^
tá tvoja čelenka <3 tie tvoje topánky <3 dokonalosť
ReplyDeleteta čelenka je zlatá :)
ReplyDeleteKrásne ste holky, pristane vám to ;-))
ReplyDeleteooo krásne ste !
ReplyDeletea tvoje topánky sú neskutočné ♥