#30 DAYS OF CHRISTMAS '17 - kejmy's cosmetics gift tips.

     Riešite darčeky na poslednú chvíľu? Ja väčšinou nie, ale tento rok je naozaj všetko na rubi a tak moje hľadanie, zháňanie, tvorenie a nakupovanie prebieha počas týchto posledných dní. Tipy na vianočné darčeky ste už mohli vidieť tuto a tuto... Dnes však reálne a to v podobe týchto dvoch krásnych miniatriek značky Grace Cole pre neho aj pre ňu! Sú skvelým rýchlym darčekom, ktorý využije snáď naozaj každý! Či už to bude babička či sestra, otec či priateľ, sprchové gély sú jednym z najlepších darčekov vôbec! Obzvlásť, ak neviete, čím niekoho potešiť...

ENGLISH : Are you looking for the Christmas gifts at the last time? Well, I usually don't do that, but this year everything is just upside-down and so I needed to leave my searching, creating and making for these last days. You could already see my tips for gifts here and here... But today I have prepared for you the real ones in the form of these two beautiful miniatures from the Grace Cole brand for him and for her! They are one of the fastest presents, which everyone can get and use! If you will give them to your grandma or sister, father or boyfriend, the shower gels are one of the best gifts to give to anyone! Especially if you just don't have any idea how to make them happy...

     Prvý balíček s názvom Grace Cole - Homme Bloke Soak je pánsky v krásnej farebnej kombinácií modrej a zelenej. Obsahuje sprchový gél Bloke Soak a šampón Total Filth. Oba majú krásnu príjemnú vôňu, hydratujú a vyživujú počas celého dňa. Okrem týchto dvoch 50 ml tubičiek v krabičke nájdete aj krásnu malú špongiu. Je vhodný pre každý typ pokožky a tak je určite vhodným darčekom pre sarších či mladších pánov.

ENGLISH : The first package is called Grace Cole - Homme Bloke Soak and it is the one for men in the beautiful color combination of blue and green. It contains the shower gel Bloke Soak and shampoo Total Filth. Both of them has a pleasant scent and they hydrate and nourish during the whole day. You can find in the package instead of these two little tubes also a little green sponge. It is good for every type of skin and so it is certainly a good gift for the older and also the younger men.

     Dámsky, v poradí druhý, balíček Grace Cole - Frosted Cherry & Vanilla je naozaj nádherne zabalený! Jeho tématicky dizajn je naozaj neuveriteľne vhodný ako vianočný darček, nakoľko červená je neodbitnou súčasťou Vianoc! Jeho čerešňovo-vanilková vôňa ulahodí nejednej nežnej dušičke. Balenie obsahuje sprchový gél Uplifting a telové mlieko Luxurious v 50 ml tubách skvelých na cesty strávené mimo domov. Oba produkty sú vyhovujúce pre všetky typy pokožky, takže opäť vhodný balíček pre široké spektrum dám.

ENGLISH : In the second order, there is the package for women Grace Cole - Frosted Cherry & Vanilla and it is beautifully packed! Its thematic design is truly suitable as a Christmas present because the red color is the inseparable part of the Christmas. Its cherry and vanilla scent please every tender soul. The package contains the shower gel Uplifting and the body milk Luxurious in 50 ml little tubes useful for the ways out the f home. Both products are good for all types of skin, so again the good present for the wide range of ladies.

     A to by bolo na dnes odo mňa všetko. Verím, že vám tieto tipy nejak uľahčili výber, nakoľko kozmetika Grace Cole má viac úžasných produktov, ktoré určite stojí za to vyskúšať! Oba a oveľa viac nájdete na www.parfemy-elnino.sk, ktorým by som chcela nesmierne poďakovať, bez nich by tento super článok nevznikol! Inak, kupujete kozmetiku ako vianočné darčeky? Nezabudnite sa o tom zmieniť v komentároch a tiež sa nezabudnite ešte prihlásiť do VIANOČNEJ GIVEAWAY, ktorá končí už o pár dní! Pustite si vianočnú pieseň a na dnes už len prianie krásneho zvyšku dňa!

ENGLISH : And it would be all from me for today. I hope you like my choice of gift tips and it helped you with the selection because the Grace Cole cosmetics has more amazing products, which wort to try! You can find both of these packages and more at www.parfemy-elnino.sk, to which I would like to thank so much, this article wouldn't happen if there weren't them! Otherwise, do you buy the cosmetics for Christmas as gifts? Don't forget mentioned it in the comments section down belove and also don't forget to join the CHRISTMAS GIVEAWAY, which will end in a few days! Turn on the Christmas song and I just wish you a nice rest of the day!

PHOTOS BY : Kejmy Tatranská / @lady_kejmy


  1. Na mém blogu si o jednu podobnou kazetu můžeš zasoutěžit. Je od stejné značky a sama jsem ji vyzkoušela. Měla jsem výrobky s nádhernou hruškovou vůní. :-)

    1. jéj, tak to je úplne super, že máš súťaž s kozmetickými kazetkami! ♥.
      tak ďakujem za pozvanie, určite pozriem! :).


  2. Has a guy ever given you mixed signals?

    One minute he’s crazy about you and the next minute you have no clue if he ever wants to see you again?

    And it’s especially hard when there’s something special between you and you have no idea what went wrong.

    I assure you it’s nothing that you did.

    In fact, he may even care about you a great deal and still not be able to stop himself from acting this way.

    But why does this happen?

    There’s one BIG reason why men do this...

    And I discovered this eye opening video that will shed some light on this bizarre behaviour.

    Insert subject line here and link it to: <=========> Your ex won’t be able to resist?

    It all comes down to a missing “secret ingredient” that not one in a thousand women knows about...

    And it’s the biggest factor that determines whether a man just “likes” you...

    ...or if he sees you as “The One.”

    You see, this “secret ingredient” is so important to a man that no matter how attracted to you he is, or how strong your chemistry is...

    If it’s missing, he’ll never be able to truly give his heart to you...

    And he will always have an unshakeable urge to seek out a woman who has this one “secret ingredient.”

    Here’s what I’m talking about: <=========> The difference between “like” and “love” (most women miss this)

    On the other hand, when you know this powerful “secret ingredient”...

    ...you won’t believe how effortless, passionate and bulletproof your relationship can be.

    Trust me, this is going to blow you away.

    Discover it here: ==> Men fall in love with women who have this “secret ingredient”

    Thanks again.


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